Promoting and protecting fairness  

We investigate complaints about public services and provide recommendations and resources to public organizations so they can deliver services fairly.  


We are non-partisan and operate as an independent oversight agency. All complaints filed with the office are confidential. 

The Office of the Ombudsman is not an advocate for either the Complainant or the Authority. By looking into a complaint of unfairness, our Office can, and does, make recommendations that can be favourable to either party, to both, and to neither.

Public organizations make decisions that affect people's lives. If you believe you have been treated unfairly when engaging in public services, we will work to resolve the unfairness. We may investigate or suggest other ways to solve the problem. 

The Ombudsman also works proactively with authorities to assist them in delivering services fairly and operates with the philosophy that a complaint should be viewed as an area of opportunity, to learn from and to improve the service provided to Yukoners

Our services are free and confidential for complainants and authorities. 
front desk



Public organizations we oversee

We support and investigate "authorities" identified in the Ombudsman Act

Some of these authorities include: 

  • Yukon government departments
  • Yukon University and its board of governors
  • Yukon crown corporations, commissions, boards and bureaus where its members are either appointed, public officers of the Yukon or responsible to the Government of Yukon
  • public schools and school boards
  • hospitals
  • Yukon Human Rights Commission
  • professional and occupational governing bodies, including the Yukon Association of Educational Professionals and the Yukon Medical Council

The Ombudsman cannot investigate:

  • disputes between individuals (civil matters), including matters that are before the courts
  • the federal government
  • the courts or judges
  • Yukon Legislative Assembly and its members
  • Yukon Elections Office
  • the RCMP
  • landlord/tenant matters
  • home or auto insurance
  • banks
  • businesses 

We can investigate municipalities and Yukon First Nations at their request.




fire fighting

Your Stories

Unclear hiring process

An individual applied for a position as a wildland firefighter through a third party but was told that they weren’t selected because the authority’s Wildland Fire Management branch rejected their application. When the individual contacted the authority to understand how they were involved in the hiring process, they received little information. They filed a complaint with our office alleging that the authority was unfairly involved in the third party’s hiring process.

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