Yukon Ombudsman Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner Yukon Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner

Yukon Ombudsman

The Ombudsman promotes and protects fairness in the delivery of services by public organizations. 






If you believe you have been treated unfairly, we may investigate, mediate or suggest other ways to solve the problem. 

We are neutral and look at the complaint from all sides.

What's New

Ombudsman calls to modernize Act

The Yukon Ombudsman has issued a special report requesting amendments to the Ombudsman Act that provide the same authority found in the majority of Canadian jurisdictions and align it with international best practices.

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Annual report highlights office is busier than ever

Jason Pedlar, has released his first annual report that highlights an increase in cases, quick and effective resolution of files, and opportunities for change to better serve Yukoners.

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Ombudsman releases second report on Hidden Valley School

Report finds less than half of Department Actions meet recommendations.

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