Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner
Videos on Privacy
Empowering a New Generation of Digital Citizens
To mark Data Privacy Day on January 28, 2022, Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner, Patricia Kosseim, hosted a free online webcast. It focussed on how best to champion the privacy and access rights of Ontario's children and youth, by promoting their digital literacy and digital rights, while holding institutions accountable for protecting the children and youth they serve.
Want to protect your online reputation?
This video provides you with tips and advice on what to consider when you are posting information online.
How To Stay Safe on Social Media
This short video offers ten helpful tips to help you stay safe and protect your privacy while using social media.
You Can't Take It Back
Once you put your personal information out there, you can’t take it back. This video shows that it’s almost impossible to take back anything you put online – much like getting the toothpaste back into the tube.
How to stay safe when online gaming
This short video explains how you can protect your personal information when playing online games.