Yukon Ombudsman Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner Yukon Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner

For Employees

Employees of public entities can disclose wrongdoings that are in the public interest without fear of reprisal.  Employees have options about who they can disclose to including a supervisor, a designated officer in their public entity, or the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner.

Along with the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner’s authority to investigate wrongdoing disclosures and reprisals, he can provide confidential advice to employees who are considering making a wrongdoing disclosure. 

The Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner encourages employees to contact his office for advice prior to making a disclosure.

What's New

Annual report highlights office is busier than ever

Jason Pedlar, has released his first annual report that highlights an increase in cases, quick and effective resolution of files, and opportunities for change to better serve Yukoners.

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Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner comments on changes needed to Yukon’s whistleblower legislation

Jason Pedlar makes five main recommendations to improve PIDWA

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Office of the Yukon Ombudsman, IPC and PIDC supports Bare Essentials Campaign

This important campaign meets some of the basic needs of those fleeing gender-based violence

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